The 2X ComboMyst Pack combines two of CTFO's best, groundbreaking products in one powerful Combo.
GlutaMyst™: an advanced, highly absorbable, technologically formulated Myst combining nanosized, pharmaceutical grade "Reduced" Glutathione with our proprietary Cellular Nutrition Blend (60 ingredients). Glutathione, the Master Antioxidant, supports detoxification processes throughout the entire body, eliminating harmful toxins indispensable for the proper functioning and health of living organisms.
XanthoMyst™: "Xantho" is derived from the many natural xanthones including the most active α-mangostin, found in Mangosteen Pericarp (rind), and "Myst." Twist & Myst your daily dose of XanthoMyst™ into your mouth. XanthoMyst™ efficiently delivers these compounds through the soft tissue, into your body for higher potency and bioavailability.